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Hurricane Quiz

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Do you think you would be prepared for a hurricane? Find out just how much you know about these tropical storms by taking our hurricane quiz!

A hurricane is a severe tropical storm that forms in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Carribean Sea or Eastern Pacific Ocean. Winds must travel at least 74 miles per hour (119 kilometers per hour) before it can be classified as a hurricane. Hurricane Isidore has already killed two people in Mexico in September 2002 and is expected to hit the east coast of the United States at any time. Do you think you would be prepared for a hurricane? Find out just how much you know about these tropical storms by taking our hurricane quiz below!


Test your knowledge of hurricanes! How do hurricanes get their names? Which hurricane caused the most damage in history?


1 Ever wonder how hurricanes get their names? Or are you curious about when they stopped naming hurricanes by girl's names only? Then check this out!

1 To find out which hurricane caused the most damage, head here.

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