Platform(s): Nintendo DS, DSi and Wii
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: October 27, 2009
ESRB Rating: E For Everyone
iCarly, iGame, iNintendo
It was only a matter of time before everyone’s fave web show within a show evolved to become an interactive video game. Made for Nintendo DS, DSi and Wii systems through a partnership between Nickelodeon and Activision, we got to take iCarly for a spin. Check out our review, below!

Fan Fave
The first thing you should know about this game is that it's pretty much for iCarly fans, not hardcore gamers. Instead of one, continuous storyline, it's made up of a bunch of mini-games designed to be cute and not-so-serious, kinda like the show. So you can play all kinds of little games like fun-filled food activities and tap-filled stylus dancing games, plus everything in-between. For example, in another game you get to put your DSi photography skills to the test by snapping photos of objects that match with the color shown on screen. The closer the color the more points you get. If you don’t have a DSi, you can still play the iCarly game - the DSi chapter just won't be playable.

Game Time
iCarly's story mode is basically a set of webisodes that kick-off with some dialogue from Carly, Sam, Feddie, Spencer and the rest of the iCarly gang. You also receive e-mails from the characters’ fans, enemies and friends. If you do well in episode 1’s mini-games you unlock the next episode and next set of mini-games. And trust us, just because they're mini doesn't mean these games are easy. Some require some pretty high-level timing and precision. If you get frustrated, though, you can just skip story mode completely and play whatever mini-games you want.

Sights & Sounds
This game's graphics are fun and cheerful. There's even a sound recognition mini-game where you have to make the sounds of animals shown on screen.
Video: Game Trailer
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