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Scribblenauts :: DS Game Review

Reviewed by on Sep 15, 2009
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Take your creativity and gaming to the next level! Scribblenauts can write anything and solve everything, but is that enough to make this game the queen bee?

It is rare these days, in a generation where sequels are hitting number 5 and beyond, that a completely original game can come out and get so much attention. It is even more rare that, even after so much hype, you still won't get sick of hearing about Scribblenauts. That's because, with well over 10 000 words available, Scribblenauts is not a game that will become dull and repetitive.

The Sky's the Limit

Scribblenauts starts as a simple game and simple concept. You are presented with a puzzle and must write words to summon things to help you complete the challenge. Even the graphics are simple. If you have played 5th Cell's other game, Drawn to Life, then the artwork here will be familiar.

However, how simple the game truly is rests upon the player. Scribblenauts features both fast pace action levels and thoughtful puzzle levels. With so many options available, there are dozens of ways to solve every stage in the game. In fact, after completing a level, you can try completing it again in advanced mode, where you must do the stage three more times, each time using different objects. This way, you are guaranteed to explore the vast dictionary offered by the game.

Maxwell's Limitations

Perhaps the only complaint about the game is the protagonist himself. Everything in Scribblenauts is done with the stylus, including writing, using the objects you summon, and moving Maxwell. Sometimes, the game will get confused about which action you want to do and other times, the controls are not precise enough to carry out elaborate plans.

Scribblenauts Video Interviews

Check out these cool video interviews with Jeremiah Slaczka, creative director and co-founder of 5th Cell!

Scribble...Yes or Scribble...Naut?

Aside from the vast amount of stages and nearly infinite replay, there is also a level editor for you to make your own puzzles to share with others online. Despite the sometimes frustrating controls, Scribblenauts is an amazing game and an experience that every gamer should enjoy.


Price: $29.99

ESRB Rating: E 10+

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