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Wild Things :: Cat Overview

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Overview of Cats, History, Kittens, House Cats, Felines, Pets, Whiskers

There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, with 33 different breeds, which is too many to list. More than 35,000 kittens are born in the US alone each year, which is why it's important to spay or neuter your cat (get it fixed so it can't have kittens.) Did you know that 25 percent of cat owners blow dry their cat after a bath?


Brief History

Cats first became pets in Egypt around 4000 BC but they had to work for their livelihood by getting rid of rodents and unwanted waste. When these beloved pets died, owners shaved off their eyebrows and then mummified their cat so it could be buried with them when they died. The goddess of love and fertility in Egypt was a cat named Bastet.

During the 15th century, cats weren't considered pets and the Pope considerd all cat lovers to be witches - and they were burned. Black cats are now considered symbols of luck by Europeans. Over time, several wild species became domestic house cats and today the mixed breeds can be seen at cat shows all over the world.


The Look

The next time a cat grins, count its teeth. An adult cat has 32 teeth. They also have 12 whiskers on each cheek in four rows. Whiskers have several purposes including detecting the smallest movements (even [/KWLINK 1440]wind's direction and temperature,) as well as determining if the cat can fit into a certain space such as a pipe. What some people don't realize (especially those who've ever tugged on one) is that whiskers are not special hairs but actually extensions of the skin.


Cat Lick

Cats have a funky way of drinking. They shape their long tongues into a spoon then flick the liquid to the back of their mouth. Cats swallow after every fourth or fifth lap. Sandpaper-like barbs on the tongue soak up liquid like a sponge. They're also designed to rip meat off bones (if you've ever been licked by a cat, you already know this.)

Do you have any cat tales? our way.

1 My cat chases my ladybug all around the house. She even ate one one time. lol! From Mia

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Nickname: *~Mia~*10
Age: 14

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