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Celebrity Quotes on Love

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Famous quotes, celebrity quotes on love, famous love quoataions, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake on love, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston famous quotes.

Ever wonder what the celebs have to say about love and their love lives? Think celebrities would have the best love quotes out there? Think again. Some celebs have some sweet quotes, some have super dumb quotes but most think the same as you and me when it comes to the ways of the heart. Take a look at some of the famous quotations Kidzworld has put together.

Jennifer Aniston is easy to please when it comes to falling in love.

1"The best smell in the world is that man that you love."

Maybe Jennifer was mistaken when she uttered her famous quote, because it doesn't sound like husband Brad is the best smelling guy in town.

1"Being married means I can [break wind] and eat ice cream in bed." - Brad Pitt.

It seems as though Angelina Jolie is pretty happy with her married life too.

1"Sometimes I think [my husband] is so amazing that I don't know why he's with me. I don't know whether I'm good enough. But if I make him happy, then I'm everything I want to be."

But not everyone is that sure they are destined to find the perfect love. Funnyman Jim Carrey had this not-so-funny quote about his future in the love department.

"I really want to love somebody. I do. I just don't know if it's possible forever and ever."

And what about dating? What makes the celebs quake in their boots?

1 Here's a famous Tara Reid quote: "I know this sounds ridiculous but I like guys with love handles. I hate a washboard stomach - that does not turn me on." - She shouldn't have any trouble finding a guy like that!

And Drew Barrymore can't get enough of the boys on TV.

1"I think I have a love for TV hosts. I can't help it. Ted Koppel was my first crush when I was three. Then I was in love with David Letterman. He's my sweetheart. But now I've got my Tom." Sorry Drew, you don't have Tom anymore. Better move on to your next TV host crush.

1"I was like, 'I want that one!'" - Jessica Simpson's famous quote about her attraction to fiance Nick Lachey of 98 Degrees. Doesn't make her sound too spoiled now, does it?

And then there's Britney and Justin. Are they together? Are they broken up? Well, either way, they both have uttered lots of quotable quotes on the love game.

1"When you're comfortable with someone you love, the silence is the best." - Britney Spears, who may not be so comfortable with Justin anymore.

1"Every relationship I've been in, I've overwhelmed the girl. They just can't handle all the love." - Justin Timberlake. Hmm, with recent reports on Britney crying all the time in public, it sounds more like Justin couldn't handle the love this time.

Of course there are going to be some lousy quotes on love from the rich and famous too. Check this one out.

1"I should think that being my old lady would be all the satisfaction or career any woman needs." - Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger. Ok Mick, it is time to get over yourself!

So there you have it peeps. The famous aren't always the best ones to turn to for advice on love but they sure do supply us with some pretty funny famous quotes.

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